Parish Council website: Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12thMarch 2019, In Branxton Village Hall at 7p.m. PRESENT: Chairman P TurnbullVice- Chairman & J Wilson Parish Councillor R Neill I MacGregor & S Rudge I member of public Clerk I Hunter Public Question Time-None Community Police –No report Apologies for Absence:County Councillor A Murray Declaration of Interest: The Clerk declared a personal & prejudicial interest in the annual review of the Clerk’s salary. Request for Dispensation:None Minutes of the Meeting:The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11thDecember 2018previously circulated were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Min 416 (Min 411)- Mud on road- The Clerk advised the meeting that Northumberland County Council Highway’s Department had checked the road and have agreed to monitor the situation. Min 417 (Min 410- Litter Bin-Parish Councillors ratified the purchase of the new litter bin which will be delivered to the Chairman’s address. Parish Councillors to agree exact location once the litter bin arrives. Parish Councillors agreed the payment of £289.14 for the litter bin after delivery. The Clerk informed the meeting that County Councillor A Murray is trying to get permission to fund the purchase of the litter bin from his Northumberland County Council small grant funding. Min 418 (Min 412)- Flower Box- Parish Councillor I MacGregor informed the meeting that a resident has confirmed that the materials to replace the rotten timber on the flower box will cost approx. £35. Parish Councillors agreed the payment of the materials on production of receipts. Parish Councillor I MacGregor to help the resident with the work. Min 419-Financial Statement
Min 420- Accounts for Payment – · Mrs E I Hunter £ 63.61 Clerk’s 7 Salary hours @£10.953 per hour · HMRC £ 15.80 PAYE Min 421- Correspondence 1- NCC- Roadside Litter Campaign 2018 2- Clerks & Councils Direct-Newsletter 3- CPRE-Winter newsletter 4- North East War Memorial Project-Request for a donation.Parish Councillors agreed not to donate. 5- NCC-Highways Services in winter leaflet 6- Clerks & Councils Direct- Newsletter Min 422- Consultation-Parish Councillors agreed not torespond to the current Northumberland County Council Local Plan consultation. Min 423- Internal Auditor-Parish Councillors agreed to appoint Mr E Rathbone as the Internal Auditor for the Parish Council accounts for 2018/19. Min 424- Asset Register-Parish Councillors reviewed and agreed the Asset Register. The Clerk provided a summary of the Pay scales and did not take part in the next item. Min 425- Review of the Parish Clerk’s Salary- The Clerk advised the meeting that the numbering of the National Pay Scales is changing as of 1stApril so her current PayScale of SPC 22 which will change to SPC 12. Parish Councillors agreed to move the Clerk on to new SPC 16 as of 1stApril 2019 at that point the Clerk’s salary will increase to £12.15 per hour. Parish Councillors thanked the Clerk for her work for the Parish Council. Min 426- Document retention-The Clerk informed the meeting that Parish Council minutes are lodged into the Archives annually, and all minutes are available on the Parish Council website. Also, Parish Council accounts are kept for 7 years which is in accordance with guidance. The Clerk asked Parish Councillors if Planning Applications are to be retained once they have been agreed, or refused, and do Parish Councillors wish approval and refusal information to be printed in the future. Parish Councillors agreed once the application has been approved/refused, and development completed the application can be destroyed as the Parish Council are only a consultee and do not to print approval or refusal information unless requested as all information is available online. Min 427- Highways- Parish Councillor S Rudge informed the meeting that a resident had raised concerns about a rut in the grass verge on the road down the hill. However, the issue was resolved within a day or two. Parish Councillors agreed residents as well as Parish Councillors should report any highway’s issues on the Northumberland County Council website as and when they happen. Parish Councillor R Neill raised concerns about the state of the road at the Branxton Hill road end and between Branxton & Branxton Moor. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk report the issues on the Northumberland County Council website as well as advising Northumberland County Council Highway’s Officers, Parish Councillor R Neill to be the contact if further information is required. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Min 428- Tree- The Vice-Chairman informed the meeting that a tree in front of Braeside was moving with the wind at the weekend and was touching the power lines. SP Networks have been on site and removed the tree. Parish Councillors agree not to take any further action at the present time about asking for the tree to be replaced. Min 429- Marmion Well -The Chairman informed the meeting that a volunteer has been clearing away soil from around the Well and tidying up the area, however the volunteer is raising concerns about the condition of the inscriptions on the Well. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk contact Historic England Min 430 Training- Parish Councillors S Rudge & I MacGregor stated they would like to attend new Parish Councillor training at Wooler in October. Parish Councillors agreed the Parish Council would pay the costs and the Clerk to book the places. Date of the Annual Parish Council & Annual General Meetings will be held on 14thMay 2019 at 7.00 p.m. in Branxton Village Hall. Meeting closed at 7.35 p.m. Chairman______________________________ BRANXTON PARISH COUNCIL
Parish Council website: Summons to all Parish Councillors to attend the Parish Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 12thMarch 2019 in Branxton Village Hall commencing at 7p.m. Public Question Time The Chairman to invite members of the public present, to put questions to, or draw relevant matters to the attention of, the Council, prior to commencement of business. This is for a period of 15 minutes overall and is limited to 3 minutes per person. Community Police To receive any updates. AGENDA 1.Apologies for absence 2.Declaration of Interest 3. Request for Dispensation 4.Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11thDecember 2018 5.Any matters arising from the Minutes
6.Litter Bin
7.Flower Boxes
8.Financial Statement- Bank Balance £ 842.28 9. Accounts for Payment · Mrs E I Hunter £ 63.61 Clerk’s Salary 7.25 hours @£10.953 per hour
10.Correspondence 1-NCC- Roadside Litter Campaign 2018 2-Clerks & Councils Direct-Newsletter 3-CPRE-Winter newsletter 4-North East War Memorial Project-Request for a donation. 5-NCC-Highways Services in winter leaflet 6-Clerks & Councils Direct-Newsletter 11. Consultations · To consider responding the current Northumberland County Council Local Plan consultation 12. Internal Auditor · To agree the appointment of the Internal Auditor for the Parish Council accounts for year end 2018/19. 13. Asset Register · To undertake the Annual review of the Asset Register 14. Review of Parish Clerk’s Salary · To undertake an annual review of the Parish Clerk’s salary in accordance with the NationalPay scales. 15. Document retention · To consider the future retention of Parish Council documents. 16. Highways.
17. Any Other Business 18. Date of the Annual Parish & Annual General Meetings 14thMay 2019 (Sgnd.) Isabel Hunter Clerk to Branxton Parish Council |
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