Note that from Tuesday 4th October 2016 Wooler HWRC will only be open 4 days per week ie Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Wooler HWRC is located at Brewery Lane, Wooler NE71 6QG. Berwick HWRC, located at North Road Industrial Estate, Berwick TD15 1UN, will remain open 7 days per week. Opening hours of both centres are: Winter: 1 November to 31 March, 8am to 6pm Summer: 1 April to 31 October, 8am to 7.30pm Minutes of the AGM were approved at last night's Parish Council meeting (13/09/16). Clicking on the link below if you wish to download a pdf.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 17th May 2016, In Branxton Village Hall at 7.00p.m. PRESENT: Chairman N Allen Vice- Chairman P Turnbull Parish Councillors R Neill, J Wilson, & I Mark County Councillor A Murray PC Mark Lynn & PC Dan Perry 1 member of public Public Question Time- None Community Police-The Chairman welcomed the Police Officers to the meeting. PC Mark Lynn informed the meeting there have been no incidents within the area in the last 2 months and Police Officers will attend future meetings if available and if not they will submit a report. PC Mark Lynn & PC Dan Perry left the meeting at that point Min 274- Election of Chairman for 2016/17- Parish Councillor I Mark proposed & Parish Councillor P Turnbull seconded Parish Councillor N. Allen as Chairman for the forthcoming year. Min 275- Election of Vice-Chairman for 2016/17- Parish Councillor J Wilson proposed & The Chairman seconded Parish Councillor P Turnbull as Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year Apologies for Absence: Parish Councillor R Neill & Rev R Kelsay Declaration of Interests: The Vice-Chairman declared a Personal Interest in the Recreational Club/Play Park as a member of the Recreational Club. Dispensation: None Minutes of the Meeting: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th March 2016 previously circulated were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Min 276 (Min 264) - Pot Holes- The members raised concerns again about the pot holes in the Parish. It was agreed that the pot holes should be reported via the Northumberland County Council website on a regular basis. Min 277 (Min 265)- Road Gullies- County Councillor A Murray advised the meeting that he had reported this matter to Northumberland County Council, but would follow this up. Parish Councillors asked County Councillor A Murray to also raise the broken grill on the Main Street. Min 278 (Min 266)- Street Lights- The Clerk informed the meeting that Branxton area is due to be upgraded between July & September 2017. The meeting agreed the Clerk re-submit the previous information to the Street Light Officer. Min 279 (Min 267)- Recreational Club/Play Park- The Clerk informed the meeting if the Parish Council become responsible for the play equipment they can no longer be included within the Northumberland County Council Insurance scheme. The meeting agreed to remain in the Northumberland County Council Insurance scheme and members look to see if the Village Hall could include the play equipment within their Insurance Policy. Min 280- Annual Audit- Parish Councillors considered and agreed the Annual Audit paperwork previously circulated for Year ending 31st March 2016. The Annual Governance Statement was completed and the Chairman then signed the Annual Audit Return which completed the Annual Audit for year ending 31st March 2016. The meeting agreed to pay E Rathbone £10 for completing the Internal Audit. Min281- Financial Statement
Min 283- Annual Insurance Premium- The Clerk informed the meeting that to date the renewal information has not been received. Parish Councillors agreed to agree the Annual Insurance Premium via e-mail and ratify the decision at the September meeting. Min 284 - Correspondence-
Min 285- Transparency & Websites- The Chairman agreed to continue working on this matter and report back to the September Parish Council meeting Min 286- Anne-Marie Trevelyan’s letter- The meeting considered the letter requesting information on any resident receiving a VC in WW1 and information about grants to repair War Memorials. The meeting agreed nobody within the Parish received a VC in WW1 and the War Memorial plaque is located in the Church. Min 287- Parish Council meeting dates 2016/17- The meeting agreed the following dates for Parish Council meetings in the forthcoming year: 13th September 2016 13th December 2016 14th March 2017 16th May(AGM)2017 (this may need to be rescheduled due to elections) All meetings commence at 7pm ANY OTHER BUSINESS Min 288- Notice board- Parish Councillor J Wilson agreed to be responsible for putting Parish Council information on the noticeboard. Min 289- Resignation- Parish Councillor I Mark tendered his resignation from the Parish Council due to his relocation. The Clerk agreed to organise the necessary paperwork. Date of the next Meeting is 13th September. At 7.00 p.m. in Branxton Village Hall. Meeting closed at 7.43 p.m. |
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